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COVID Update
Most amenities within the Park are open, but we are still emphasizing the NC Dept. of Health & Human Services 3 W’s: Wear a cloth mask over your nose and mouth in all buildings (required) and on all trails (recommended); Wait 6 feet apart and avoid close contact with others that are not in your party; Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer frequently. Hand sanitizing dispensers are located on every trail and at every indoor location.
Here is additional information that you need to know before visiting:
• The top parking lot is still closed due to construction, so all guests will be required to park in the Meadows area (just past the Ticket Plaza).
• Since the Park will be operating at a “limited” parking capacity, entrance into the Park will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. If capacity is reached, the Park will close to any further entry until some space has cleared to allow more vehicles to enter.
• While we encourage guests to hike into the Park from the Meadows, we are offering a shuttle service up to the top parking lot for those who are unable to hike. Mask is required to ride the shuttle.
• The elevator is open and will take guests up who came together in the same vehicle (limit 8 per trip). Masks are required. To prevent long lines in the Sky Lounge gift shop, the elevator ride down is reserved for disabled only. Other guests should take the scenic Outcroppings trail down to the top parking lot.
• Cliff Dwellers gift shop and the Sky Lounge will be open with limited capacity. Snacks and bottled drinks will be available at both of these locations.
• The Animal Discovery Den remains closed.
• The Old Rock Café in Chimney Rock Village is open daily from 11am – 5pm for takeout and limited capacity dining. Please see OldRockCafe.com for more information.
• Our associates will be taking appropriate precautions to protect the safety of ourselves and all of our guests. See our We Care Commitment. We are prepared and trained to handle any situation during this time.
This plan is subject to change depending on circumstances. We appreciate your support and understanding during these unprecedented times and look forward to seeing you on the mountain sometime soon.