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15th Annual Groundhog Day Celebration at Chimney Rock

Greta the Groundhog takes Center Stage for Chimney Rock’s 15th Annual Groundhog Day Celebration
For the past 15 years, Groundhog Day has become a family-fun, annual tradition at Chimney Rock. On February 2nd, furry little meteorologist, Greta the Groundhog, will be making her yearly spring prediction as well as her Super Bowl pick.
At 1 pm, visitors can stop by the Animal Discovery Den to see whether Greta sees her shadow. According to legend, there will be six more weeks of winter if she does or there will be an early spring if she does not. Immediately following her prediction, Greta will also choose the winner of Super Bowl LIV. Her predictions will be announced by Chimney Rock’s mayor, Peter O’Leary.
This is Greta’s fourth year making weather predictions at Chimney Rock State Park. Her accuracy is currently at 66% for early spring prognostications. For Super Bowl picks, however, she is currently only 1 for 3. Some say her admiration for Tom Brady has clouded her previous football judgement. So far, Greta is off to a good start though, as she is averaging a higher accuracy rate than the 39% of infamous Punxsutawney Phil! This year, we are excited to see what fortunes she will be revealing to us about 2020.
After Greta’s time in the spotlight, families are invited to take part in festive Groundhog Day crafts, meet some of Greta’s animal ambassador friends and enjoy a guided hike along the Great Woodland Adventure. Families will enjoy several interactive stations and learn animal facts about native woodland critters along the trail.
This event is included with regular Park admission.
Additional details about the 15th Annual Groundhog Day Celebration and other Park events can be found at ChimneyRockPark.com.