What’s Up Naturally- Wildflowers
What’s Up Naturally?
Late summer and into early fall is a wonderful time to experience the beauty that makes the forests of Chimney Rock so intriguing.
The trails are outlined in a color due to our large variety of fall wildflowers. A wide array of yellow hues from the Goldenrods, Wild Sunflowers, and Coreopsis make this time of year especially nice to hike in the Park. You’ll also discover that Joe-Pye weed, White Snakeroot and all sorts of asters are showing their stuff. Check out our What’s in Bloom page to know what and where you’ll be able to see these flowers.
Don’t think that this season is only inviting for your eyes, because your ears won’t be disappointed either! As fall migration begins and our feathered friends head south, the woods become a chorus of chatter. Many types of warblers and sparrows are heading through along with raptors of many shapes and sizes. Don’t miss Flock to the Rock on Saturday, Sept. 16.