2023 Spring Girl Scout Day and Campout

Calling all scouts! Spring Girl Scout Day has been a long tradition at Chimney Rock. We are so excited to welcome the Scouts back again for a day of fun and learning. Come for the engaging programs and stay for the campout. Good times and adventure are bound to ensue.
Morning Programs
Orientation begins promptly at 9:45am

Oh Where do I Go? Orienteering for Beginners
Come join a North Carolina State Park Ranger and learn an essential skill that is being replaced with satellites, smart phones and GPS. Orienteering is a skill developed in the 19th century for traveling through unknown lands with only a map and compass. This program will teach scouts how to read a basic map, how to use a compass and send them out on a short orienteering course to test their newfound skills.

Cherokee Stories with Virginia Blackfeather
Virginia Blackfeather Thompson, a true Henderson County Cherokee Native, has been delighting listeners for over 45 years with her lore and legends of the Cherokee people. Join her and learn about native dress, culture and history as she shares the ancient ways of her ancestors.

Bug Out
Bugs are yuck, right? Wrong! Here at Chimney Rock we love our bugs and all the benefits that come with them. With almost a million species worldwide, like it or not, they share our home. Discover how they play vital roles both locally and throughout the world. To conclude, students will explore our meadows and collect insects. These 6-legged critters will then be looked at closer in our investigation station.

Arboreal Animals
Animals have different habitats, and some prefer to be up among the trees. Come learn about our native tree-dwelling critters in Western North Caorlina. In order to survive in this unique habitat, these animals have adapted over time and become very comfortable in the trees. Scouts will get the opportunity to get up close and personal with some of our live animal ambassadors.
Afternoon Options

Self-Guided Hikes & Discovery Stations
Now is the time for exploration! Set out with your scouts on any of our six trails (ranging in difficulty from easy to moderately strenuous) and get ready for an adventure. Our knowledgeable staff can help you decide which trail is the best fit for your troop. As you hike, look for Discovery Stations on the trails. Each station will have a staff member to interpret what you’ve seen along your way as well as hands-on activities for the scouts to enjoy.
NC State Parks Junior Ranger Program
Looking for more to do while you’re in the Park? Explore, learn and help out your state parks! The Junior Ranger program is a fun way for children to explore with their family, scouts troop or youth group. Activities are geared for children ages 6-12. If members of your troop are interested in becoming Junior Rangers, feel free to contact our State Park office for more information: [email protected].
Campout Option
The overnight option is designed so you can bring your gear and spend the night!
We provide several community fire rings and wood, but all other essentials are the responsibility of the group.
Typically, set-up begins after 4pm. Depending on the volume of the general public in the area, this can fluctuate a bit. You must be packed up by 9am the next morning. However, you’re welcome to stay and explore the Park some more on Sunday after your site is broken down.
Park staff is onsite throughout the night.
Nuts and Bolts
When: Saturday, May 20– Sunday, May 21, 2023
Check-in by 9:30am; orientation begins promptly at 9:45am.
Costs: $16 per scout for admission to the Park for the day, all programs and patches. One adult chaperone per 10 scouts is required and is admitted at no charge.
Additional adults are $14 and additional non-scout children are $6 but must be included in the troop registration and payment.
Registration: Register your group online. Registration closes on May 10, 2023 or when we reach our limit of 150 scouts.